Our electronic PHQ saves time-consuming rework by providing you with a quality PHQ the first time.

Curtiss-Wright’s ePHQ, has been proven to provide substantial cost savings by reducing rework associated with illegible, incomplete and lost PHQs. ePHQ provides a smart, flexible, electronic version of the industry standard PHQs defined by NEI 08-06. Built into ePHQ are comprehensive data validation, date gap validation and scope expansion features. These features ensure that the applicant provides a complete, quality PHQ the first time without the need for time-consuming review and unnecessary interaction with the applicant. Furthermore, ePHQ seamlessly integrates with SSIS to eliminate manual intervention and paper. In addition, ePHQ reduces turn-around time because the PHQ is completed and returned electronically so that the background can be completed sooner.

Curtiss-Wright also offers the option of a secure hosting service for ePHQ, reducing internal IT costs while enhancing security.

Two Different Solution Paths:

Option 1: Utility-Hosted Solution

Host the ePHQ application on your own server.

Option 2: Solution Hosted by Curtiss-Wright

Host the ePHQ application on Curtiss-Wright's secure server. This solution offers security and speed - ePHQ can be up-and-running and ready to use in a matter of days.

ePHQ Key Benefits:

  • Electronic implementation of PHQ supports all 6 versions of the form
  • Provides administrative controls for creating, tracking, printing, storing and managing the PHQ
  • Contains electronic Consent forms
  • Enforces required entry validation rules
  • Performs date gap analysis
  • Expands scope automatically based on FFD PDI
  • Accepts Security based electronic signatures
  • Integrates seamlessly with SSIS to provide: One-click submittal to background agencies, quick access the electronic copy of the PHQ and the ability to import key pieces of information from the PHQ into SSIS

One utility saved an estimated 4 hours/worker of in-processing time with ePHQ. This resulted in over $400,000 in savings. They were also able to achieve a plant in-processing record for the number of workers granted UAA in a single day.